Join The American Legion Post 164, Katy Texas

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Commander's Message

Dear Legionnaire,

Morrow "Sandy" KrumWelcome to the American Legion and the Jonathan D. Rozier Post No.164 in Katy, Texas. We are very pleased to have you join us. The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress 1919 and is the largest veteran’s organization in the nation. We were founded on four pillars of service: 1) Veterans Affairs & rehabilitation 2) National Security 3) Americanism 4) Children and Youth.

You will be assigned with a mentor soon, who will guide you through procedures, customs, and the various service opportunities the American Legion has to offer throughout the year. But please don’t wait to be contacted. Come to meetings; lookup our event schedule on our website ( You are also encouraged to explore the Department (State) website at (  and our national website at (

Your American Legion experience depends on you and getting involved. Ask questions, show up at events. We have many places to get involved. As many or as few as you wish. If you don’t understand something, ask the question. It is up to you to find a place to fit in. If you have new ideas for something, bring them up, let’s discuss it and see if it can work for us.

My pledge to you is to be as available to you as possible. I will always answer emails and phone calls. If I don’t know I will find the answer for you. It is my philosophy is the only dumb question is the one you don’t ask.

I look forward to being able to help you grow in the American Legion and gain some valuable friendships and experiences.

Again, Welcome, now it is up to you find where you fit.
Sandy Krum